Meet Wendy —
the bouyant, creative spirit behind Heart Art
Saying Hi to New Collectors at a Gallery Showing
Over nearly four decades, Wendy Isaacson has been on a thoughtful mission to create human-scale art to touch each owner in a special way.
Wendy likes to think that these Hearts— ‘the charm bracelet of one’s life’ as she calls collections— will bring a smile to every owner, every time! Collectors describe the Hearts as ‘… Whimsical’ ‘… Thought-Provoking’ ‘...Adorable’ ‘… Sparks a Moment’, and always ‘Touching’. The Hearts are meant to be held and studied and cherished.
The thought behind Heart Art Creations™ really started when Wendy made fanciful figures for her Massachusetts neighbors. The spark developed during her years studying design at F.I.T., but really took off when Wendy was part of a specialized Prop & Display shop in New York City. Surrounded by the artisans at work and nurtured by the creative energy that was New York City, she built up an extensive body of work that covers the range of human passion, interest and purpose.
Wendy owned or operated a number of galleries in New York starting with the first gallery on West 18th Street (Chelsea) to a gallery in Larchmont. She featured her work and that of artists with a similar mindset. She has exhibited widely in the area.
Recently, Wendy was the Producer and Managing Director for the Pelican Bay Foundation Art Show in Naples, FL, a gala that attracted over 190 diverse artworks. Wendy works from her studio in Westchester County, NY and in NYC.
Wendy wants her work to be treasured, shared and always en’joy’ed. She welcomes the chance to create the visual story of your life.
Here, Wendy is at work in the Bedford studio completing a custom artwork for a collector
Adding the postmark for that special Heart
Please, ask about Wendy’s recent work to be exhibited at Galleries in Florida and in New York. The studio workplace is in Northern Westchester. Occasionally, we open the studio to tours and will host special guests sometimes.
Dakin House, Mount Kisco, New York
Thrilled to have the big Heart from the Chelsea gallery on west 18th Street on display in our new space
The Artwork of HeartArt Creations Has Been:
New York Magazine •
The Daily News •
Time Out New York •
Good Housekeeping •
The Villager • Strada • T
he New York Times •
Vanity Fair •
he Manhattan Spirit •
Conde Nast Travel Guides •
Woman Around Town
The Today Show • Center Stage, the movie •
Good Morning America •
The Dr. Joy Browne Show
Broadway Cares •
The National Marfan Foundation •
Opening night gifts for a variety of Broadway Shows
Paul Smith, London, Paris & Japan •
Ito-ya Ltd., Japan •
Pelican Bay Foundation Art Show, Naples FL •
The Working Class Emporium, New York •
Convent Gardens Kiosk, London •
Grand Central Holiday Fair, New York •
Grand Central Terminal Kiosk, New York •
Discovery Galleries, Bethesda Maryland •
Kennedy Gallery, South Beach Florida •
Talisman, Woodstock New York •
Cookie Island, New York •
Richard Gordon, International •
Oak & Oil, Katonah New York •
Carroll Condit Gallery, White Plains New York •
Vanda Gallery, New Rochelle
Arm & Hammer •
The Star-Ledger •
The Plain Dealer •
The WB store •
Ralph Lauren •
National Dance Institute honoring Jacques d’Amboise at Lincoln Center •
Mikimoto •
Bally Shoe •
Canine Companions •
Kellogg’s •
Lippe — Taylor, Marketing Public Relations •
The Little Orchestra Society •